Differences between Flamingo and Stork

Flamingo Flamingo
Stork Stork

Flamingo and Stork are two classes of birds that belong to the Phoenicopteridae and Ciconiidae families respectively.

Considered a symbol of beauty, Flamingos are admired for their pink feathers, slender legs, S-shaped neck, large wings, orange-colored eyes, and graceful gait. They are wading birds that include six species like Greater Flamingo, Andean Flamingo, and Caribbean Flamingo.

Stork is a large wading bird with long legs and long beak. Its beak and legs are usually red in color, while its eyes are grey. The color of its body could be streaks of white, black, and red depending on the geography. The bird’s head and upper neck are usually not covered with feathers. The Stork is almost mute as it has an undeveloped syrinx. The Stork family consists of about 20 species of birds such as Marabou Stork and Adjutant Stork. The family is related to Herons, Ibises, and Flamingos.

Where are Flamingo and Stork found?

Flamingos live in large and saline lakes, lagoons, and shallow waters. They can be found in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. They exist in parts of USA, southern Europe, southwestern Asia, and coasts of Africa. The most widespread species is the Greater Flamingo, which can be found in southern Europe, Africa, India, and few other parts of Asia.

Storks choose to live near marshes, grasslands, meadows, rivers, ponds, and lakes. They are not prevalent across the world. They exist chiefly in Asia, Africa, and Europe. One bird from their species can be found in Australia, while three others occur around Argentina and Florida.

What do Flamingo and Stork eat?

Flamingos are omnivores. They eat algae, crustaceans, diatoms, mollusks, larvae, shrimps, small fish, and insects. The diet of Flamingos consists of immense amount of beta carotene, hence the rich pink color of their plumage, face, and legs. Flamingos look for food in shallow waters, putting their bill under water and raking the water bed with their feet. They are capable of holding their breath while they put their heads inside water in search of food. They turn their head upside down to drain the muddy water through the comb-like structures in their bill.

Storks are carnivores that mainly eat fish. They also feed on reptiles, insects, amphibians, mice, worms, mollusks, crustaceans, and even small alligators. They generally capture their prey in fields and shallow waters.

Here are a few pointers about the eating patterns between Flamingo and Stork

  • Both Flamingo and Stork eat Fish.
  • Flamingo do not eat Frogs while Stork eat Frogs.
  • Flamingo do not eat Lizards while Stork eat Lizards.
  • Flamingo do not eat Snakes while Stork eat Snakes.
  • Flamingo do not eat Turtles while Stork eat Turtles.
  • Flamingo do not eat Squirrels while Stork eat Squirrels.
  • Flamingo do not eat Gophers while Stork eat Gophers.
  • Flamingo do not eat Baby Ducks while Stork eat Baby Ducks.
  • Flamingo do not eat Mice while Stork eat Mice.

Size of Flamingo and Stork?

When it comes to size, Flamingos are usually three to five feet tall. They have a wingspan of 2.9 to 3.2 feet. The Greater Flamingo are the largest among Flamingo species with a height of 3.6-4.9 feet.. Storks are huge birds. They are about two to five feet tall with wide wings that measure over 10 feet. The biggest storks in the world are the Shoebill and Marabou that stand five feet tall.

The weight of Flamingos varies as per the species. The average weight is 4.4-9.9 kilograms. while Average weight of Storks is 3-17 pounds depending on the species. Marabou is the largest species and weighs around 17 pounds.

Where do Flamingo and Stork nest?

Flamingos build their nest by making a mound from mud and grass. The mound has to be strong enough to withstand any flooding or heat from the ground. Both male and female partners construct it by shoving mud with their bill and feet. The nests are usually located closer to water bodies. The female lays one egg a year. Both partners incubate the egg for 27-31 days. The younger ones have white feathers until they attain maturity at around two years. They fledge when they are about nine to 13 weeks old.

Storks build their nests on trees and shrubs that stand in flooded water. They do so to keep predators away from eating the eggs. Both male and female birds participate in the construction of the nest, besides sharing the responsibility to incubate them for about five weeks, after which the eggs hatch. Baby Storks usually fledge 50-65 days after hatching. An interesting fact about parenting in Storks is that the parents sometimes throw some chicks out of the nests so that they can feed the healthy chicks well and support their survival.

How long do Flamingo and Stork live?

The average lifespan of Flamingos is 30-40 years. The oldest Flamingo lived till the age of 83 years at the Adelaide Zoo in Australia. It died in January 2014.

Storks can live for over 30 years in the wild. They have been known to live up to 35 years in captivity. The longest living species was a White Stork that lived for 39 years in Switzerland.

Are Flamingo or Stork migratory birds?

Flamingos are non-migratory birds. However, climatic conditions like rise in water levels, drought, cold winters, and freezing of lakes at higher altitudes may compel them to relocate. The place where they migrate to depends on the direction of the wind. Additionally, Flamingos prefer to travel in the night. Flamingos living in the northern parts of Asia migrate in large numbers to India and Iran during winters. In Europe, they either go to Spain, Tunisia or Turkey. In America, the birds migrate only short distances in search of food.

Storks migrate during winters to warmer regions as they cannot find food in colder weather. They are known to migrate long distances, for instance from Europe to Africa, sub-Saharan region to South Africa or India. They mostly migrate in huge groups.

Do Flamingo and Stork fly in flocks?

A group of Flamingos is called flamboyance. These birds are extremely gregarious. They always live in groups of a few tens and even up to 350. Their larger colonies can even have a thousand birds and are known to be noisy. Flamingos eat and roost in groups. They also breed in flocks. This arrangement helps them stay safe from predators – while some birds have their head bent under water for hunting, others keep guard. According to research, Flamingos make long lasting friends and also have enemies.

A group of Storks is known as a muster of Storks or a phalanx of Storks. These birds are highly sociable. They stay together and migrate in massive flocks that can even encompass a thousand birds. However, during the breeding season they prefer smaller groups or solitude.

Are Flamingo or Stork protected?

The US Migratory Bird Act protects Greater, Chilean, and Caribbean Flamingos. They are protected partially or completely in parts of Africa, Europe, and Asia.

Storks are a protected species in Asia, Africa, and Europe. Conservation laws like the African Conservation Action Plan and the African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement have come up in response to concerns of the International Union for Conservation of Nature that the Black Storks are not protected satisfactorily.

Are Flamingo or Stork endangered?

Flamingos are not endangered birds. Nevertheless, there is consensus that their population is on a decline owing to habitat destruction, poaching, hunting for feathers, environmental changes, and pollutants in their water habitats. The Chilean and James Flamingos are considered threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Storks are extant birds. They had become extinct in the UK about 500 years back but emerged back in the 1970s. They have however become extinct in Japan, Korea, Myanmar, and Bangladesh. The Adjutant Stork is endangered in India and Cambodia, and the Painted Stork is critically endangered in parts of Asia. Very few Storks are also left in Italy due to widespread poaching.

Can Flamingo and Stork fly?

Flamingos like to fly when the sky is clear and tailwinds are encouraging. During the day, they fly at high altitudes – as much as 15,000 feet above sea level. They fly long distances during migration, flying at speeds of 31-37 miles an hour and covering distances of nearly 375 miles in one night.

Storks fly with their neck and legs stretched out. They flap and soar with their broad wings, using thermal air currents. They can reach altitudes of 1,500 metres above sea level and touch speeds of over 110 miles per hour. During migration, they fly nearly 4,400 miles.

Can Flamingo and Stork swim?

Flamingos generally wade through water with the help of their long legs. However, in deeper waters they swim on the surface of water with their webbed feet.

Storks are not swimmers. They do not prefer deep waters and usually choose shallow waters for their habitat.

Mating patterns among Flamingo and Stork

Flamingos attain sexual maturity at the age of three to six, by which time the white baby feathers have turned completely pink. In the breeding season, the male and female Flamingos perform sophisticated group dances to attract partners. The birds engage in mating displays that start with the head flag, involving loud calls and vigorous movement of the head. The displays will also include bowing, stretching of neck, and feather movements. Mating occurs in the water. Partners collaborate to construct the nests and jointly incubate the eggs.

Storks start breeding when they are about four years old. The male bird is the first one to arrive at the nesting site. He initiates by building a nest or revamping an existing one and ducking on it. The male and female engage in elaborate mating dances. They raise a single brood each year, which consists of two to five eggs.

When is the mating season for Flamingo and Stork ?

There is no particular mating season for Flamingos. They breed at any time of the year when water levels, climatic conditions, and availability of food are supportive. It is observed that Flamingos generally breed when rainfall is adequate, which also means that food supply during the period is good enough.

The breeding season for Storks is generally the spring. This is usually from the start of February till the end of April.

Do Flamingo and Stork mate for life?

The bonding between Flamingo partners is known to be strong. Therefore, they may be monogamous. However, some of them also change partners every season.

Storks are known to be monogamous and faithful to their partners during every breeding season and even for a few years. They may find new partners during migrations or in consecutive breeding seasons. In case of monogamous partners, they generally revisit their nesting site and use the same nests with little restoration.

How do Flamingo and Stork sleep?

Flamingos sleep while standing on one leg and resting their heads on their backs. The ligaments and muscles in the leg can lock to help the bird stay in one position while asleep. They sleep for about three hours at a stretch, be it day or night.

Storks roost in colonies. They sleep on trees and shrubs surrounded by water. Some storks even sleep standing on one leg in water.

Can Flamingo and Stork be eaten?

In ancient times people ate Flamingos and their eggs. The tongues of Flamingos were considered a delicacy. Romans are known to have consumed the birds by boiling them with wine and spices. However, Flamingos are no longer eaten. Conservation and protection laws also do not permit it.

Storks are edible and some people do eat them. However, the bird is protected, and it is illegal to kill them for food.

Can you hunt Flamingo or Stork?

Hunting of Flamingos was rampant. People in earlier times killed them for their meat and feather. However, modern laws do not allow hunting or trading of Flamingos.

Thousands of White Storks lose their lives every year due to illegal hunting for sport, especially in Lebanon and Italy. The birds are also shot for their meat. All this is despite existence of laws to protect the bird.

Can you feed Flamingo or Stork?

Feeding Flamingos in public places is not permitted in many countries like Singapore and USA. At the zoos, Flamingos are given food rich in carotenoids to avoid fading of their pink color. Therefore, the feed will include shrimps, crustaceans, and clams.

Feeding wild animals and birds in public places is not permitted in places like USA, Singapore, and Dubai. Storks are huge birds and need to be fed a lot of food. In captivity, these birds are fed with fish, frogs, small birds, earthworms, lizards, and meat.