Differences between Crow and Stork

Crow Crow
Stork Stork

Crow and Stork are two classes of birds that belong to the Corvidae and Ciconiidae families respectively.

Crow is a large bird with incredible intelligence. It is characterized by shiny black plumage and dark legs. Its beak, eyes, wings, and tail are all black. The bird has four toes on each foot. Crows are particularly known for their cleverness. They have great discerning abilities and have excellent self-control. They can make their own tools, solve problems, remember faces, mimic sounds, and prank other animals. They are also trainable. There are around 40 species of crows across the world.

Stork is a large wading bird with long legs and long beak. Its beak and legs are usually red in color, while its eyes are grey. The color of its body could be streaks of white, black, and red depending on the geography. The bird’s head and upper neck are usually not covered with feathers. The Stork is almost mute as it has an undeveloped syrinx. The Stork family consists of about 20 species of birds such as Marabou Stork and Adjutant Stork. The family is related to Herons, Ibises, and Flamingos.

Where are Crow and Stork found?

The natural habitat of Crows include grasslands, forests, mountains, agricultural regions, and deserts. They like locations where there are trees. However, these birds are highly adaptable and exist everywhere. They are common sight even in big cities. Crows can be found in all parts of the world. The exceptions are South America and Antarctica.

Storks choose to live near marshes, grasslands, meadows, rivers, ponds, and lakes. They are not prevalent across the world. They exist chiefly in Asia, Africa, and Europe. One bird from their species can be found in Australia, while three others occur around Argentina and Florida.

What do Crow and Stork eat?

Crows are omnivores. They are both predators and scavengers. They can eat anything. They eat rodents, reptiles, small mammals, worms, insects, and eggs besides grains, fruits, nuts, and human food.

Storks are carnivores that mainly eat fish. They also feed on reptiles, insects, amphibians, mice, worms, mollusks, crustaceans, and even small alligators. They generally capture their prey in fields and shallow waters.

Here are a few pointers about the eating patterns between Crow and Stork

  • Both Crow and Stork eat Fish.
  • Both Crow and Stork eat Frogs.
  • Both Crow and Stork eat Lizards.
  • Both Crow and Stork eat Snakes.
  • Both Crow and Stork eat Turtles.
  • Both Crow and Stork eat Squirrels.
  • Gophers are commonly eaten by Crow, but not by all Stork.
  • Baby Ducks are consumed by both Crowand Stork.
  • Mice are eaten by both Crow and Stork.

Size of Crow and Stork?

When it comes to size, The size of crows varies for different species. Jackdaw Crow is the smallest with a length of 13-15 inches and wingspan of 27 inches. Thick-billed Raven is the largest among the species. It is 28 inches long with a wingspan of 45 inches.. Storks are huge birds. They are about two to five feet tall with wide wings that measure over 10 feet. The biggest storks in the world are the Shoebill and Marabou that stand five feet tall.

Thick-billed Raven is the largest among crow species. It weighs 2.5-3.3 pounds. On the other hand, the weight of Jackdaw Crow, the smallest Crow, is eight ounces. while Average weight of Storks is 3-17 pounds depending on the species. Marabou is the largest species and weighs around 17 pounds.

Where do Crow and Stork nest?

Crows build their nests in colonies. The male and female partners start building their nest about a month before the breeding season. Their offspring from previous breeding seasons assist them in nest building. The nests are constructed intellectually, with stronger material laid at the bottom for reinforcement. Crows use all kinds of material available around them to construct the nests. They would include twigs, sticks, hay, plant material, aluminium and copper wire, plastic threads, and wood pieces. The nests are usually placed in tall trees and hidden between trunks for improved safety. However, in cities, crows make their nests in inaccessible parts of tall buildings and billboards. The female incubates the eggs for about 18 days, during which time her partner and other offspring feed her. The newly hatched chicks fly when they are about four weeks old but continue to be fed by their parents and siblings for a longer time. The younger ones live with their parents until they start breeding on their own and sometimes even until they are five years old.

Storks build their nests on trees and shrubs that stand in flooded water. They do so to keep predators away from eating the eggs. Both male and female birds participate in the construction of the nest, besides sharing the responsibility to incubate them for about five weeks, after which the eggs hatch. Baby Storks usually fledge 50-65 days after hatching. An interesting fact about parenting in Storks is that the parents sometimes throw some chicks out of the nests so that they can feed the healthy chicks well and support their survival.

How long do Crow and Stork live?

The average lifespan of Crows is 11-15 years in the wild and over 20-30 years in captivity. Again, this is dependent on the species and the location they live in. Crows in North America are known to live over 30 years.

Storks can live for over 30 years in the wild. They have been known to live up to 35 years in captivity. The longest living species was a White Stork that lived for 39 years in Switzerland.

Are Crow or Stork migratory birds?

Crows are partially migratory. Those in southern hemisphere are mostly residents. While some birds migrate short distances during winters, some others stay put even in frigid temperatures. Some of them may migrate to breed and some may travel to escape increased urbanization.

Storks migrate during winters to warmer regions as they cannot find food in colder weather. They are known to migrate long distances, for instance from Europe to Africa, sub-Saharan region to South Africa or India. They mostly migrate in huge groups.

Do Crow and Stork fly in flocks?

A flock of Crows is called a murder. Crows are sociable birds. They live in groups of varying sizes and always roost in flocks. The birds also have their own families consisting of two to 15 members. Different families communicate and cooperate with each other.

A group of Storks is known as a muster of Storks or a phalanx of Storks. These birds are highly sociable. They stay together and migrate in massive flocks that can even encompass a thousand birds. However, during the breeding season they prefer smaller groups or solitude.

Are Crow or Stork protected?

Crows are protected in many countries under various schemes and laws for wildlife conservation and protection of migratory birds. Harming Crows or their nests is a punishable offence in these places. However, in countries like Canada there is no law to protect Crows.

Storks are a protected species in Asia, Africa, and Europe. Conservation laws like the African Conservation Action Plan and the African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement have come up in response to concerns of the International Union for Conservation of Nature that the Black Storks are not protected satisfactorily.

Are Crow or Stork endangered?

Crows are not endangered birds although their numbers are reducing owing to habitat loss, persecution by farmers, and widespread urbanization. The Hawaiian Crow is extinct in the wild. Restoration activities to increase their population is in progress. Similarly, numbers of Mariana Crow are dropping since 1960s with only a few of them remaining now. They are listed as critically endangered. Efforts to conserve them are underway.

Storks are extant birds. They had become extinct in the UK about 500 years back but emerged back in the 1970s. They have however become extinct in Japan, Korea, Myanmar, and Bangladesh. The Adjutant Stork is endangered in India and Cambodia, and the Painted Stork is critically endangered in parts of Asia. Very few Storks are also left in Italy due to widespread poaching.

Can Crow and Stork fly?

Crows usually fly along the same lines every day. They are joined by their flocks as they fly for hunting or towards their roosting sites. They can fly at a speed of 30-60 miles an hour. During migration, some species travel up to 1,740 miles.

Storks fly with their neck and legs stretched out. They flap and soar with their broad wings, using thermal air currents. They can reach altitudes of 1,500 metres above sea level and touch speeds of over 110 miles per hour. During migration, they fly nearly 4,400 miles.

Can Crow and Stork swim?

Crows are not waterbirds. They do not have webbed feet and their body structure does not allow them to swim. They may be able to float on shallow waters by flapping their wings.

Storks are not swimmers. They do not prefer deep waters and usually choose shallow waters for their habitat.

Mating patterns among Crow and Stork

Crows reach sexual maturity when they are two to four years old. The mating displays generally take place on the ground. The male bird ruffles his feathers and makes bowing movements while facing the female. He also makes soft coos to attract her attention. Most partners share their mating territories with their children from previous breeding seasons. The female usually lays two to six eggs in a clutch. The eggs hatch after about 18 days.

Storks start breeding when they are about four years old. The male bird is the first one to arrive at the nesting site. He initiates by building a nest or revamping an existing one and ducking on it. The male and female engage in elaborate mating dances. They raise a single brood each year, which consists of two to five eggs.

When is the mating season for Crow and Stork ?

The mating season for Crows is usually March-July. It varies slightly in different continents.

The breeding season for Storks is generally the spring. This is usually from the start of February till the end of April.

Do Crow and Stork mate for life?

Crows are monogamous. They mate with the same partner each year. Only in the case of death or indisposition of one partner does the other seek a different mate.

Storks are known to be monogamous and faithful to their partners during every breeding season and even for a few years. They may find new partners during migrations or in consecutive breeding seasons. In case of monogamous partners, they generally revisit their nesting site and use the same nests with little restoration.

How do Crow and Stork sleep?

Crows usually roost in colonies. They sleep on top of tree while standing up. The birds generally sleep when the sun sets and wake up little before sunrise.

Storks roost in colonies. They sleep on trees and shrubs surrounded by water. Some storks even sleep standing on one leg in water.

Can Crow and Stork be eaten?

Crows are eaten in some cultures. Native Americans and Lithuanians eat them in frenzy. Eating Crow meat is permitted in many countries across the world.

Storks are edible and some people do eat them. However, the bird is protected, and it is illegal to kill them for food.

Can you hunt Crow or Stork?

Crows are hunted for different reasons, such as for sport and meat. They are also killed by farmers for destroying their crops. The birds are not protected everywhere. Countries like the USA allow killing of Crows with a permit or outside of the nesting season.

Thousands of White Storks lose their lives every year due to illegal hunting for sport, especially in Lebanon and Italy. The birds are also shot for their meat. All this is despite existence of laws to protect the bird.

Can you feed Crow or Stork?

Feeding Crows in public is discouraged in places like Singapore, Canada, and Dubai. However, feeding Crows is a ritualistic practise in some cultures of south Asia. In captivity, Crows are given worms, mice, eggs, and meat.

Feeding wild animals and birds in public places is not permitted in places like USA, Singapore, and Dubai. Storks are huge birds and need to be fed a lot of food. In captivity, these birds are fed with fish, frogs, small birds, earthworms, lizards, and meat.