Differences between Heron and Sparrow

Heron Heron
Sparrow Sparrow

Heron and Sparrow are two classes of birds that belong to the Ardeidae and Passeridae families respectively.

Herons are intelligent birds of medium to large size. They are a symbol of beauty with long legs and neck. They are wonderful aviators that can fly at a speed of nearly 30 miles an hour. The Heron family includes several species such as Egrets and Bitterns.

Sparrows are one of the most commonly found birds in the world. They are petite birds with a round head and small beak that is shaped like a cone. Their plumage is either brown or grey with white streaks. The feather on their belly is usually white. The birds have a long and stiff tail. An interesting fact about Sparrows is that they have a bone in their tongue. As these are perching birds, they have clawed feet with three forward-pointing and one backward-pointing toe. Sparrows are songbirds that make chirping sounds. There are over 140 species of these birds in the world. They are generally classified as Old World species and New World species. Sparrows are mentioned in mythology and the Bible. Their earliest fossils, found in caves in Israel, are dated back to over 100,000 years.

Where are Heron and Sparrow found?

Herons live near freshwater and coasts. While most species are found in the tropics, they do exist in lowland and alpine areas. They can be seen in all parts of the world, except Antarctica.

Sparrows prefer thick forests, open fields, agricultural farms, and fringes of forests. However, a large population of Sparrows also live in the parks, gardens, and buildings of cities. The Old World species of Sparrows originally belong to Asia, Africa, and Europe. The New World species have been introduced in North America, South America, Australia, and New Zealand.

What do Heron and Sparrow eat?

Herons are carnivores that feed on the boundaries of rivers, seas, ponds, and lakes. They are named as one of the smartest birds for their skills in advanced feeding habits and procurement of food. They usually feed on aquatic animals such as fish, frogs, reptiles, insects, eels, and crustaceans. In winters, when these water animals move down to deeper waters, herons manage to hunt smaller birds, rabbits, and squirrels on the land.

Sparrows are omnivores. They largely eat seeds and grains like cereals, wheat, rice, oats, and corn. They also eat insects and worms. Occasionally the birds eat human food refuse.

Here are a few pointers about the eating patterns between Heron and Sparrow

  • Heron do eat Fish while Sparrow may not eat Fish.
  • Both Heron and Sparrow eat Frogs.
  • Both Heron and Sparrow eat Lizards.
  • Heron do eat Snakes while Sparrow may not eat Snakes.
  • Heron do eat Turtles while Sparrow may not eat Turtles.
  • Heron do eat Squirrels while Sparrow may not eat Squirrels.
  • Gophers are commonly eaten by Heron while Sparrow do not eat Gophers.
  • Baby Ducks are commonly eaten by Heron while Sparrow do not eat Baby Ducks.
  • Heron do eat Mice while Sparrow may not eat Mice.

Size of Heron and Sparrow?

When it comes to size, Herons are generally about three feet tall. They have broad wings, usually twice their body size. The wings spread out to measure 5.5-6.5 feet.. The size of Sparrows depends on the species. The average size is however 0.5-0.6 feet in length. Chestnut Sparrow is the smallest Sparrow with a length of 0.4 feet, while the Parrot-billed Sparrow is the largest with a length of 0.59 feet.

Herons usually weigh 4.6-7.3 pounds. The males are bigger and weigh more than the females. while The average weight of the Sparrow is 0.84 ounce. The weight of the Chestnut Sparrow is 0.5 ounce and that of the Parrot-billed Sparrow is 1.5 ounce.

Where do Heron and Sparrow nest?

Herons construct their nests close to feeding areas like wetlands and lakes. The nests are built on tall trees to stay safe from predators. It is the female that builds the nest from twigs, roots, and dead grass gathered by the male. The female generally lays three to five eggs that have an incubation period of around 25 days. Once the eggs hatch, both female and male partners participate in getting food for their young ones.

Sparrows build their nests in holes and cavities of small trees, in shrubs, and buildings. They prefer their nests to be closer to the ground. The nests generally look spherical and measure eight to 10 inches in diameter. The female and male partners construct the nest using straw, twigs, roots, leaves, grass, paper, thread, wool, and feather. The eggs are completely white, or bluish white, or greenish white with brown spots. Both partners incubate the eggs. The eggs hatch in 10-14 days. The young ones that are fed by both parents fledge in about two weeks.

How long do Heron and Sparrow live?

The average life expectancy of a Heron is five years in the wild. Some young ones do not survive after the first year due to scarcity of food, while some of them fall prey to predators. The longest surviving great wild blue heron is known to have lived for 23 years.

Sparrows are known to live for four to seven years. Some species can even live up to 20 years. The House Sparrows live until 23 years in captivity.

Are Heron or Sparrow migratory birds?

Herons are very mobile, however their migration depends on where they are. They prefer warmer climates, so tend to migrate in winters. After the breeding season, the birds explore new feeding areas and migrate alone or in small groups of 12 during the night. The Grey Herons are mostly residential and stay put in Britain and other parts of Europe. On the other hand, the Great Blue Herons migrate from March to May every year, flying around 7,000 feet above sea level.

Not all Sparrows are migratory. The ones from Canada, North America, northern parts of Europe, and east Asia migrate during winters. The House Sparrows typically do not migrate as they do not encounter harsh weather or scarcity of food in any time of the year. Among the migratory species, American Tree Sparrow migrates from North America and Canada to the USA, while the Savannah Sparrow travels from Alaska to the USA. In northern and central Europe, migration takes place among Eurasian Tree Sparrow that relocates to Africa. The Russet Sparrow is a species from Himalayas that spends its time in south-east Asia during winters.

Do Heron and Sparrow fly in flocks?

A flock of Herons is called a siege or colony. Herons are mostly solitary birds – they migrate alone or in small groups. However, during the breeding season in spring and summer, they live in colonies. This practise helps them to nest together and protect their young ones from predators.

A group of Sparrows is called a flock. The birds are highly sociable. They live in colonies of about 20 birds, which may even extend to about a 100. The birds are always found in groups, foraging, flying, and roosting together. Their nests are also built next to each other during the breeding season. Sparrows are also intelligent birds. They are known for cooperation and teamwork. The birds work together to find food, build nests, preen feathers, and remove lice and parasites from their skin. They chirp incessantly to let their group know about where they are. As Sparrows are tiny birds, living in large flocks also helps in intimidating the predator and also mobbing the predator if required.

Are Heron or Sparrow protected?

Herons are an important part of the ecosystem at wetlands. Therefore, they are protected birds under the law of the USA, Great Britain, Ireland, France, and many other countries. This means that killing or trying to kill a Heron is a punishable offence.

Not all species of Sparrows are protected. For example, the House Sparrow is not protected in the USA. It has partial protection in the UK, where shooting it with a licence is allowed. The species is fully protected in Canada.

Are Heron or Sparrow endangered?

Herons are not endangered, however their population may be reducing owing to destruction of their natural habitats and scarcity of food. Meanwhile, some Heron species like Humblot’s Heron and White-bellied Heron are labelled as critically endangered.

Sparrows are not endangered but their numbers are on a steep decline. Factors affecting the population of Sparrows are loss of habitat, scarcity of food, urbanization, radiation from mobile towers, pollution, use of pesticides in farmlands, and hunting.

Can Heron and Sparrow fly?

Herons have a wide wingspan that allows them to fly at speeds of nearly 30 miles an hour. Further, they have 12 rectrices that help them maneuver while flying. The bird is known to cover up to 2,500 miles in six days. Their wings open up wide, their long legs trail freely, while their neck retracts into an S shape during flight.

Sparrows fly by taking off directly, flapping their wings, and folding their legs. Their average flying speed is 24-31 miles an hour. The altitude range they can fly at varies for different species. While most of them normally fly at around 500 feet, some fly at around 2,000 feet. During migration they fly 5,000-20,000 feet high and cover 15-600 miles in a day. Sparrows fly in flocks because they are tiny birds and flying in groups supports energy conservation. It will also help them spot and threaten predators. On the ground, Sparrows are commonly seen hopping. They jump forward and backward for scraping mud, leaves, or grass with their toes and search for food underneath.

Can Heron and Sparrow swim?

Herons are not basically water birds. They find their catch on the margins of lakes, rivers, and shores – or hover on water to dive in and catch a fish. They have slightly webbed feet, so they may be able to swim occasionally.

Sparrows are not regular swimmers. However, they can swim fast to escape from danger. Some species like the House Sparrow can even swim under water. Sparrows regularly bathe in water, sometimes even in a puddle. They wiggle in water to loosen up the dirt on their feathers and to control body temperature.

Mating patterns among Heron and Sparrow

Herons start mating when they are about three years old. During the breeding season, the male and female birds undergo color changes and develop the nuptial plumage. Herons engage in breeding once a year, atop tall trees in case of larger herons and in bushes for smaller ones. The male and female Herons engage in Circle Fight, Greeting Ceremony, and courtship displays for several days to abate their natural aggression, after which the male demonstrates a gesture of acceptance by offering a stick for the nest to the female.

Depending on the species, Sparrows start mating when they are five to nine months old. The birds mate in small colonies. During courtship, the male hops around the female with inflated chest, raised tail, and slouched wings. He also chirps and sings for her. The partners copulate until the female can lay eggs. They produce nearly four broods in a breeding season. The female lays one to eight eggs in a clutch. Both partners incubate the eggs and raise the chicks.

When is the mating season for Heron and Sparrow ?

Mating season for Herons is usually during March-May in the northern hemisphere and November-April in the southern hemisphere.

The mating season for sparrows depends on geography. It can range from March to August. The courtship can begin as early as January.

Do Heron and Sparrow mate for life?

Herons go through extensive mating rituals, which enhance the bond between the male and female. They stay together for an entire breeding season and sometimes for a few years – however not for life. The birds change partners about four times in their lifetime.

Sparrows mate for life. They remain monogamous throughout their life and return to the same nesting territory every year. When one of the partners is lost or dies, the surviving partner finds another mate within a few days.

How do Heron and Sparrow sleep?

During the day, Herons rest in peaceful and protected places with their neck bent. Sometimes they also sleep standing in water so that vibrations caused by the entry of predators will wake them up. At night, they sleep on high trees to keep themselves safe from the predators on land.

Sparrows roost in large groups while perching on trees. They may even shelter inside tree holes and cavities. They draw together to stay warm on cold nights. Their usual sleeping posture is head tucked inside plumped up feathers.

Can Heron and Sparrow be eaten?

Herons have been part of human meals since bygone times. They were generally roasted or boiled and eaten with spices. The fat in a Heron’s body was thought to have medicinal benefits. However, consumption of Herons has reduced drastically as they are protected birds under the law.

Sparrows are widely consumed by people. They are a delicacy in French, Italian, Japanese, and German cuisines. As the law in most countries provide protection only to some species of Sparrows, obtaining the bird meat for food is not restricted.

Can you hunt Heron or Sparrow?

Herons used to be hunted by humans for meat and feathers besides for sport. However, the bird is now protected by the laws of several countries. They are also protected under treaties for migratory birds. Therefore, hunting Herons is illegal.

Sparrows are hunted for their meat. They are considered a pest by farmers, who kill them to save their crops. Hunting Sparrows is allowed in some countries, while killing them with a licence is permitted in few others.

Can you feed Heron or Sparrow?

Feeding wild animals and birds in public places is not permitted in places like USA, Singapore, and Dubai. If you have to feed a Heron in captivity, feed it with fish, frogs, meat, and eggs.

Sparrows can be fed with a mix of seeds, corn, millets, fruits, and insects.