Differences between Hawk and Seagull

Hawk Hawk
Seagull Seagull

Hawk and Seagull are two classes of birds that belong to the Accipitridae and Laridae families respectively.

Hawk is a bird of prey. It is intelligent, strong, and powerful. Its talons are sharp and curved, while its beak is hooked and tough. The bird has superior vision, intense hearing, and muscular legs. The back of a Hawk is typically darker brown, while its belly and tail are lighter brown. The wings are large with black and white designs. Although Hawks are classified in the Accipitridae family, the name Hawk is also applied to birds in the Falconidae family. There are over 200 species in the Hawk family.

Seagull is the vernacular form for the bird Gull. Known to be clever, these birds are mostly large in size with grey or white plumage. They have big black marks on their head and wings. Their beaks are usually yellow in color with a red spot and a hook at the tip. Bigger Seagulls have pink legs, while the smaller ones have red or black legs. The birds have webbed feet. There are over 40 species of Gulls across the world.

Where are Hawk and Seagull found?

Hawks prefer deserts and large fields. They are native to North America. However, since they adapt easily, they are found in mountains, grasslands, rainforests, savannas, and coasts. The exist in all parts of the world except Antarctica.

Gulls are water birds. They are typically found near coasts, especially during summers. However, they have become common even at inland waterways like rivers, reservoirs, and lakes. They can adapt to any region as long as there are food sources there. Consequently, Gulls are visible even inside cities and towns. Gulls exist everywhere in the world. They have been found even near Antarctica and the Arctic.

What do Hawk and Seagull eat?

Hawks are carnivores. They eat insects, crustaceans, birds, reptiles, and small mammals. Their diet largely depends on the biological diversity in their location. They are proficient hunters that grab their prey with their talons and tear them apart with their beak.

The natural diet of Gulls includes fish and other aquatic animals. Besides, it includes land animals like insects, worms, mice, and reptiles. However, Gulls are scavenging birds and can eat just about anything. They have been observed eating fruits, vegetables, and even chips, bread, and spaghetti. Gulls are one of the very few birds that can drink both salt and fresh water. The salt ducts and glands in their beaks act as desalination filters and help the birds to pass up excess salt.

Here are a few pointers about the eating patterns between Hawk and Seagull

  • Both Hawk and Seagull eat Fish.
  • Both Hawk and Seagull eat Frogs.
  • Both Hawk and Seagull eat Lizards.
  • Both Hawk and Seagull eat Snakes.
  • Both Hawk and Seagull eat Turtles.
  • Both Hawk and Seagull eat Squirrels.
  • Gophers are commonly eaten by Hawk, but not by all Seagull.
  • Baby Ducks are consumed by both Hawkand Seagull.
  • Mice are eaten by both Hawk and Seagull.

Size of Hawk and Seagull?

When it comes to size, Hawk species exist in different sizes. Sharp-shinned Hawk, one of the smallest of the species, measures 0.9-1.2 feet with a wingspan of 1.9-2.2 feet. Ferruginous Hawk is among the larger species with a length of 1.6-2.2 feet and a wingspan of four to five feet.. The size of Gulls depends on the species. The smaller ones are generally about one foot long, while the larger ones could measure about 1.5 feet. The average wingspan of the birds is 2.9-3.3 feet.

The weight of Hawks varies depending on the species. The Sharp-shinned Hawk weighs about 2.9-4.1 pounds. On the other hand, Ferruginous Hawk – the largest Hawk species, weighs 32-80 pounds. while The weight of Gulls varies drastically for different species. The Little Gull weighs just about 4.2 ounces. On the other hand, the Great Black-beaked Gull weighs 3.8 pounds.

Where do Hawk and Seagull nest?

Hawks usually build their nests on top of tall trees or in the ledges of cliffs. In cities, they create their nests on windowsills, rooftops, and billboards. The male and female partners together build the nest with sticks, moss, and plant material prior to the onset of the mating season. The partners incubate the eggs for 25-32 days. They tend to the young ones and feed them for about six weeks. Although the chicks will be able to fly after six weeks, they remain with their parents till they are about six months old.

Gulls build their nests in their habitats. It could be at cliffs, coasts, islands, trees, and rooftops as long as they are safe, have food sources nearby, and inaccessible to predators. The nests are built using grass, twigs, and plant material. The eggs take about three weeks to hatch. The young ones are active and fledge when they are five to six weeks old.

How long do Hawk and Seagull live?

The average lifespan of hawks in the wild is 12-20 years. They live longer in captivity. The longest-lived Hawk died at 30 years and eight months in February 2011 in Michigan, USA.

Gulls have a short lifespan. They live for 8-20 years in the wild. The longest-lived Gull was from Denmark and lived for 33 years and eight months.

Are Hawk or Seagull migratory birds?

Hawks have different migrating patterns. Some of them migrate in autumns, while some travel in spring. Further, the time when they start migrating also depends on the distance they must travel. The bird that reaches the migrating site first gets improved access to food sources and better preference to choose a mate. The direction in which Hawks migrate depends on the direction of wind. However, typically Hawks from Canada migrate to central and southern USA in winters. Sparrow Hawks from Russia, China, and Japan travel to warmer regions in India, Myanmar, and Indonesia.

Gulls are generally migratory. They move from northern hemispheres during winter to regions where there are abundant food sources. The birds from Canada and North America move to the tip of South America or parts of USA where the temperature is not freezing. The Black-Headed Gull migrates from UK to southern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Similarly, Gulls migrate from China to Thailand, and from Russia and Siberia to the Indian subcontinent. Some Gulls living on French and Spanish coasts and other warmer regions do not migrate. Additionally, Gulls that have settled in cities where they get easy access to food from human refuse, safe nesting places in rooftops, and warmth from buildings may not migrate.

Do Hawk and Seagull fly in flocks?

A flock of Hawks is called a kettle or a cast. Hawks are generally solitary birds. They come together only during the mating season. They also flock in large numbers during migration to conserve energy and take advantage of thermals.

A flock of Gulls is called a squabble, screech, scavenging, or colony. Gulls live in groups, consisting of a few birds or even up to a thousand. They unite to drive away predators. Besides, they adopt different body language and sounds to communicate with each other. Gulls stay with their flocks almost throughout the year.

Are Hawk or Seagull protected?

Hawks are protected in most parts of the world like the USA, Canada, Australia, India, Japan, and the UK. Harming the bird or its nest is punishable in these countries.

Seagulls, their nests, and eggs are protected under various laws across the world. Harming these in any way is considered a punishable offence.

Are Hawk or Seagull endangered?

Generally speaking, Hawks are not endangered. However, some species are at risk. For instance, the Ridgway’s Hawk from Dominican Republic is the most critically endangered of all species. The Red-shouldered Hawk in New Jersey is another endangered Hawk species. Ferruginous Hawks are listed as threatened in Canada.

Some species of Gulls are endangered. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the Chinese Black-Headed Gull and Relict Gull are vulnerable to extinction, while Heermann’s Gull and White-Eyed Gull are threatened. The population of Glaucous-winged Gull has declined by 50 percent in Georgia Basin, while the numbers of Gulls in Canada and the UK are also falling drastically. This has been attributed to loss of habitat, pollutants, and poor food quality.

Can Hawk and Seagull fly?

Hawks are skilled flyers. They can fly at a speed of 150 miles per hour while diving. They can soar at altitudes of up to 3,280 feet above sea level. During migration, the birds travel thousands of miles, covering about 1,000 mile a day. Hawks usually fly solitarily. However, to conserve energy during migration or to maintain thermals they may fly in large groups.

Gulls are highly skilled in flying. They have expert control on wind and thermals, and can execute complex manoeuvres. They can fly at speeds of up to 28 miles per hour. The birds fly extremely long distances during migration. Gulls are capable of flying during the night as well. When there are changes in air pressure due to an oncoming storm or earthquake, Gulls gather in circles to regulate their focus and balance.

Can Hawk and Seagull swim?

Hawks do not swim. They do not have webbed feet required for swimming. They dive into water to capture their prey.

Gulls are also adept swimmers. They can live comfortably both on land and water. They have webbed feet and can swim well both in sea and fresh waters. However, they do not swim too far in the seas. They usually swim in search of food.

Mating patterns among Hawk and Seagull

Hawks start mating when they are two to three years old. In the mating season, the male and female birds indulge in courtship and aerial dances. They soar up and fly in circles, gliding to the ground while clutching each other. They also give out calls during courtship and nesting. The clutch size depends on the species. The female Hawk lays one to five eggs that vary in size for different species. Both partners involve themselves in feeding and protecting the young ones.

Gulls start mating when they are about four years old. The heads of the Gulls are in pure white, black, brown, or gray color in the breeding season. They are known to mate both inland and on coasts, however copulation occurs on land at breeding sites. The courtship involves complex dances, rituals, and articulations. The Gulls mate until the female can lay an egg. They build their nests in colonies. Both male and female partners incubate the eggs for about 30 days.

When is the mating season for Hawk and Seagull ?

The mating season for Hawks is March-May every year. It is the time of spring in most parts of the world.

The breeding season for Gulls is usually March-July every year. The birds gather at breeding colonies few weeks before the onset of the season.

Do Hawk and Seagull mate for life?

Hawks are mostly monogamous. They mate for life, however come together only during mating, nesting, and caring for young ones. They are not known to hunt or live together.

Gulls are monogamous and stay with the same partner throughout their lives. They even return to the same breeding site every time.

How do Hawk and Seagull sleep?

Hawks sleep at night with their heads buried in their backs. They sleep on high trees amidst thick leaves and branches to keep themselves warm. During breeding, the female bird sleeps in the nest.

Gulls generally sleep during the night. However, they are scavengers and are known to be awake and flying even in the night. In natural habitats, they sleep on beaches, rivers, and lakes. The city-dwellers sleep in parks and rooftops. Gulls usually roost in groups to stay safe from predators.

Can Hawk and Seagull be eaten?

Most cultures have avoided eating Hawk meat. In existing times, killing Hawks is prohibited by law. However, some tribes in countries like USA can obtain a permit to eat the wild bird.

Gulls were consumed in the past by Inuit, Alaskan, Hare, and other cultures for survival. The meat of the birds is not considered appetizing. Further, it is illegal to hunt and eat Gulls under modern laws.

Can you hunt Hawk or Seagull?

Hawks were hunted in ancient times for their feathers and falconry. In fact, falconry is still practiced in many countries. This is despite existence of laws to protect the bird.

Cultures in the northern hemisphere have hunted Seagulls in large numbers in bygone times. Some cultures have killed the birds for food. However, Gulls are not permitted to be hunted under existing laws.

Can you feed Hawk or Seagull?

In captivity or under falconers, Hawks are fed chickens, rodents, and meat. Owning and feeding hawks requires special permit in some countries, while feeding them in public is also not allowed everywhere.

It is illegal to feed Gulls in public in some countries like the USA and Singapore. In countries like the UK, France, and India where feeding Gulls is allowed, the governments request the people to not feed processed food to the birds as it will harm their health. Gulls are scavengers, but it is advised to feed them healthy food like fish, worms, mice, and meat.