Differences between Crane and Ostrich

Crane Crane
Ostrich Ostrich

Crane and Ostrich are two classes of birds that belong to the Gruidae and Struthionidae families respectively.

Cranes are graceful tall birds with long neck, long legs, and long bill. They are ancient birds. Their fossil, assessed to be 2.5 million years old, have been found in Florida. Cranes are wading birds that resemble Herons. They are generally white, gray, or brown in color. Their forehead is a bright red, while their bill is large and pointed. The Crane family consists of 15 species.

Ostriches are the tallest and heaviest birds on the planet. They are flightless birds but are tremendous runners. They have long legs built with muscles strong enough to even kick a lion. These terrestrial birds have a long neck and sloppy feathers. They have a small brain, three stomachs, and large brown eyes with black lashes. The plumage of adult male is black with white marks and white tail, while that of the adult female and young males is a combination of grey, brown, and white. The birds do not have feather on their head and neck. There are two living species of Ostriches, namely, Common Ostrich and Somali Ostrich.

Where are Crane and Ostrich found?

Cranes prefer grasslands, wetlands, marshes, canals, ponds, and shallow waters. Nevertheless, they can also be found near agricultural fields. They are not intimidated by humans. Cranes are a common sight across the world, except Antarctica and South America.

Ostriches are found in the savanna, plains, woodlands, and deserts of Africa. They like open lands with grass and vegetation. The birds also like to bathe in water. Ostriches now exist only in the wild in African countries like South Africa, Zambia, Kenya, Uganda, Mozambique, and Sudan.

What do Crane and Ostrich eat?

Cranes are omnivores. They mostly eat fish, rodents, and insects. When they are close to wetlands, they eat worms, snails, and tiny invertebrates. In dry places, they eat grains, nuts, leaves, seeds, berries, small reptiles, and insects.

Ostriches are herbivores. They eat seeds, fruits, flowers, roots, and plants. However, if food is scarce in the habitat, Ostriches also eat insects, rodents, lizards, and small tortoises.

Here are a few pointers about the eating patterns between Crane and Ostrich

  • Both Crane and Ostrich eat Fish.
  • Both Crane and Ostrich eat Frogs.
  • Both Crane and Ostrich eat Lizards.
  • Both Crane and Ostrich eat Snakes.
  • Crane do eat Turtles while Ostrich may not eat Turtles.
  • Crane do eat Squirrels while Ostrich may not eat Squirrels.
  • Gophers are commonly eaten by Crane while Ostrich do not eat Gophers.
  • Both Crane and Ostrich do not eat Baby Ducks.
  • Mice are eaten by both Crane and Ostrich.

Size of Crane and Ostrich?

When it comes to size, Cranes are thought to be the tallest flying birds in the world. They generally grow up to four to five feet tall. They also have a wide wingspan of about nine feet. The Whooping Crane is the tallest bird in the USA with a height of five feet. The Sarus Crane is the tallest flying bird in the world at 5.12 feet.. Ostriches are the largest birds in the world. They are seven to nine feet tall. The male birds are taller at about nine feet, while the females do not grow over six feet. The birds have a wingspan of about six feet.

The average weight of Cranes is 6.6-13.4 pounds. The Red Crowned crane is considered to be the heaviest of all Crane species at 20 pounds. while Ostriches are also the heaviest birds. Their average weight is 140-320 pounds.

Where do Crane and Ostrich nest?

Cranes generally build their nests in shallow freshwater and marshy areas. The nests are made of weeds, grass, and plant material. However, Crowned Cranes build their nest in low trees, while Sandhill Cranes construct them in the Arctic. Cranes lay two eggs at a time, with the incubation period being 28-30 days. Both male and female partners engage in rearing the young ones, which live with them until the following breeding season.

Ostriches cannot reach the top of trees or cliffs. Therefore, they make their nests by digging holes in the ground. The nests, which are generally common for a group of Ostriches, can accommodate up to 60 eggs. The dominant male bird digs out mud to make the nest. Male and female birds take turns to incubate the eggs, which hatch in 42-46 days. The young ostriches will be able to walk on the second or third day. The parents protect their young ones from heat by covering their heads with their feathers. They keep them in their guard till the young ones are about seven months old, by when they grow to a height of six feet.

How long do Crane and Ostrich live?

The average lifespan of Cranes is 20-30 years. Mortality is high among younger Cranes of less than three years due to predation. A Siberian Crane had lived up to the age of 62 at the National Zoological Park, Smithsonian Institute, USA. A Siberian Crane lived longer – it was 83 years old when it died.

The average lifespan of Ostriches in the wild is 30-40 years. In unprotected places, the birds face threats from predators like lions, cheetahs, hyenas, leopards, and crocodiles. They also lose their lives to ruthless hunting. In captivity, Ostriches are known to survive until they are 70 years.

Are Crane or Ostrich migratory birds?

Some species of Cranes migrate long distances, while some of them are non-migratory. Some Siberian Cranes fly from western Siberia to south India, while Common Cranes migrate across Europe and Asia. Some species also migrate to northeast India. Sandhill Cranes are considered to migrate the longest distance, travelling between Siberia and Mexico every year. Other species like Demoiselle Cranes, Hooded and Red Crowned Cranes also migrate long distances to countries like China, Russia, and Japan each year.

Ostrich is not a migratory bird. However, it may travel due to scarcity of food, difficulty finding nutrients, or increased threat from predators.

Do Crane and Ostrich fly in flocks?

A group of Cranes is called a sedge. Cranes, especially the Sandhill species, form large flocks. They are gregarious birds that congregate together during migration and winters. However, they prefer solitude and live in pairs during the breeding season.

A flock of Ostriches is called a herd. It typically consists of 12 birds with a male leader and a female leader. The male is more dominant and tries to control the female birds in the herd. There is also a pecking order that the members of the herd must follow. Outside the herd, Ostriches congregate in groups of about a 100. They are sociable, which gives them the ability to stay safe from predators. Additionally, Ostriches also graze in the company of zebras, antelopes, and giraffes, alerting them when there is a predator.

Are Crane or Ostrich protected?

In the USA, Sandhill and Whooping Cranes are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Cranes are protected in the UK, where they had become extinct about 400 years ago. The Common Crane or Grus Grus is a protected species in the European Union. The Great Sarus Crane is protected in India along with efforts of conservation of other migratory species.

There are no laws in Africa to protect the birds. However, there are organizations involved in Ostrich farming, which provides a habitat for the birds and ensures that their population does not decline.

Are Crane or Ostrich endangered?

Cranes were widespread in the world. However, their population is gradually declining, especially of some species. This can be attributed to loss of wetlands and marshes, rise in deforestation and urbanization, hunting of birds for meat and feathers, inadequate regulations for conservation, collision of birds with electric power lines, and fatigue and death of birds during migration. The Siberian Crane is the most endangered species. Whooping Crane, Blue Crane, and Hooded Crane are other species that are facing the danger of extinction.

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature has categorized Ostriches as a species of least concern. However, the organization has listed the North African Ostrich as critically endangered. These birds were present in about 18 countries in North Africa. However, they exist in only four countries as in 2020. The steep decline in their population is attributed to uncontrolled hunting.

Can Crane and Ostrich fly?

Cranes are considered to be the tallest flying birds in the world. They fly with their head and neck stretched out and legs trailing behind. During migration, they fly 200 miles in a day using the warm air to achieve height and drift. These birds can fly at an altitude of 16,000-26,000 feet above sea level. Demoiselle Cranes migrate over the Himalayas at an altitude of 26,000 feet to enter India. The Siberian Crane flies almost 10,000 miles in a year for migration.

Ostriches are flightless birds. However, they are the fastest running birds in the world. With their long and powerful legs, these birds can run at a speed of 40 miles an hour. They can cover about 10 feet in a single step. The birds use their wings to maintain balance while running.

Can Crane and Ostrich swim?

Cranes cannot swim as they do not have webbed feet. The chicks however swim and follow their parents in the marshes. Adult Cranes avoid deep waters and generally live near shallow waters where they can wade through with their long legs.

Ostriches are not regular swimmers. They enjoy water and swim rarely. Their swimming gait is similar to walking.

Mating patterns among Crane and Ostrich

Cranes generally start breeding once they are three to five years old. They breed once a year during the breeding season. They perform elaborate dances involving sophisticated footwork during courtship. They also perform unison calling, which according to scientists strengthens the bond between the male and female besides defend territory. Both partners engage in picking up straws and plant material to build the nest. They even use the same nest for multiple years.

Ostriches reach sexual maturity when they are three to five years old, the females earlier than the males. In the mating season, the color of skin on the male’s head and neck changes along with a change in the color of the beak. The males chase each other and perform elaborate dances to woo the females. The dominant male of the herd mates with three to five females. All female Ostriches of the herd lay their eggs in the nest of the dominant female. The eggs are protected and incubated by the dominant female and her partner. It generally takes 36-45 days for the eggs to hatch.

When is the mating season for Crane and Ostrich ?

The breeding season depends on geography and species. In the case of migratory species, it is usually during the summer. In the case of other species, the breeding season corresponds with the monsoon.

The breeding season for Ostriches is April-October every year. During this time, the birds are extremely active and participate in ritualistic courtship.

Do Crane and Ostrich mate for life?

Most cranes mate for life. They are monogamous for life or until one of them dies. The partners may break up and find new ones if breeding attempts fail.

Ostriches are not monogamous. The males mate with three to five females every mating season. They however form life-long partnership with the dominant female. The females are however monogamous during the mating season and change partners every year.

How do Crane and Ostrich sleep?

Cranes sleep at night, usually with one or both legs in water and head bent down. They sometimes also sleep while standing on the ground. Cranes however sleep closer to their nests during the breeding season in order to protect the eggs and little ones from predators.

Ostriches rarely get tired and seldom sleep. During the night, they go through a slow wave sleep pattern, where their eyes are open and they are alert with the neck held upright.

Can Crane and Ostrich be eaten?

Cranes are edible and are widely consumed by humans since ancient times. It is recorded in history that the Christmas feast hosted by King Henry II in 1251 involved the meat of more than one hundred cranes. Some countries still allow hunting and consumption of Cranes.

Ostriches are widely eaten, especially in Africa and Germany. In fact, there are about 150 Ostrich farms in Germany. People relish Ostrich meat akin to beef. Ostrich meat is known to be rich in nutrition. There are also no laws preventing people from killing and eating Ostriches.

Can you hunt Crane or Ostrich?

Hunting Cranes is allowed in several states of the USA. It is also allowed in Canada with the acquisition of a permit. However, hunting the birds is not allowed in some countries like India. Unregulated hunting and easy to obtain hunting permits allow people to kill Cranes for their meat and feather.

There are no legal restrictions on the hunting of Ostriches. In South Africa, Ostrich hunting is a sport offered on safaris. Hunting activities are charged on hourly basis.

Can you feed Crane or Ostrich?

Feeding wild animals and birds in public places is not permitted in places like USA, Singapore, and Dubai. In captivity, Cranes are fed worms, small fish, lizards, and insects besides grains, berries, and fruits.

In farms and zoos, Ostriches are given leafy green vegetables, grass, corn, carrots, berries, seeds, and insects. In captivity, attention is given to the nutrient composition of the diet of Ostriches.