Differences between Condor and Emu

Condor Condor
Emu Emu

Condor and Emu are two classes of birds that belong to the Cathartidae and Dromaiidae families respectively.

Condor includes two species of New World Vultures, namely, the Andean Condor and the California Condor. They are one of the largest flying birds in the world. The Andean Condor is characterized by black feathers with white patches at the tip of wings. Its neck is covered with white fur, while the head is red and bald. The bird’s talons are straight and blunt and its beak is curved. The California Condor is generally black with white patches below the wings. The neck and head are yellowish orange without any feathers. These birds do not have talons and the backward toe for grasping. The beak is hooked and has an egg tooth.

Emu is the second largest bird in the world. It is largely depicted in Australian mythology and folklore. The bird is characterized by its long neck and legs. The legs are powerful with each foot having three forward-facing toes. The plumage of Emus is dishevelled. It is usually greyish brown with black tips for absorption of ultra violet radiation. The feathers are silky, soft, and absorb water. The tail feathers are however stiff and are used to intimidate predators. Emus are terrestrial and have small vestigial wings. Emus have exceptionally large eyes that are red with black iris. They have two eyelids – while one blinks, the other blocks dust. The beaks are short and strong. They are used for plucking rough foliage.

Where are Condor and Emu found?

Andean Condors are found in mountains, deserts, and coasts. They exist in Andes mountains and parts of western South America. On the other hand, California Condors live in rocky shrubs and coniferous forests. They can be found in southern parts of Californian deserts besides Mexico, Utah, and Arizona.

Emus live in woodlands, deserts, eucalyptus forests, and regions covered with shrubs. The birds exist only in Australia. Two of their subspecies once existed in King Island and Tasmania. They are now extinct.

What do Condor and Emu eat?

Andean Condors and California Condors are both carnivores and scavengers. They eat dead deer, sheep, pigs, cows, and other large mammals. On rare occasions they hunt small creatures like rodents, rabbits, and small reptiles.

Emus are carnivores although they primarily eat plants. The birds typically eat healthiest parts of the plants, such as fruits, berries, flowers, leaves, grains, and seeds. When accessible, they also eat insects, lizards, snakes, mice, and rodents.

Here are a few pointers about the eating patterns between Condor and Emu

  • Condor do eat Fish while Emu may not eat Fish.
  • Both Condor and Emu eat Frogs.
  • Both Condor and Emu eat Lizards.
  • Both Condor and Emu eat Snakes.
  • Condor do eat Turtles while Emu may not eat Turtles.
  • Condor do eat Squirrels while Emu may not eat Squirrels.
  • Gophers are commonly eaten by Condor while Emu do not eat Gophers.
  • Baby Ducks are commonly eaten by Condor while Emu do not eat Baby Ducks.
  • Mice are eaten by both Condor and Emu.

Size of Condor and Emu?

When it comes to size, Andean Condors are one of the largest flying birds in the world with a height of nearly four feet and a wingspan of 10 feet. California Condors are nearly as large with a height of 3.5-4.5 feet and a wingspan of about 9.8 feet. They are the largest flying birds in North America.. Emus are only smaller than Ostriches. They are about 5.8 feet in height.

Condors are also huge in terms of weight. Andean Condors weigh 16.9-33 pounds. Meanwhile, the average weight of California Condors is 18-20 pounds. while Emus are well-built birds. The male birds weigh about 71 pounds, while the females weigh around 81 pounds.

Where do Condor and Emu nest?

Andean Condors make their nests with sticks on safe rims of rocks or ledges of cliffs in higher elevation. Their eggs are bluish white with a weight of 9.9 ounces. Both partners take turns to incubate the eggs for 58-60 days. The chicks fledge at around six months but continue to be under the care of their parents for 10 months to two years. California Condors use mountain caves or tree cavities to lay eggs. They surround the eggs with gravel, sticks, or bones. The eggs are bluish green in color and weigh 10 ounces. Both male and female share duties of incubating and nesting the young ones. The eggs hatch after 53-60 days. The young ones fledge in about four months but remain with the parents for a year.

Emus nest on the ground as they cannot get on top of trees or buildings. The nests rest on the surface of the ground or in shallow craters dug up by the partners. The male Emu usually builds the nest with grass, twigs, and leaves. The nests are typically one to two meters in diameter. Emu eggs are dark green with blue spots when they are laid. They eventually turn greyish or brownish owing to exposure to sunlight. The male bird incubates the eggs continuously without food or water and loses considerable weight by the time the eggs hatch. The young ones emerge in about 56 days. The chicks of Emus are five inches tall and about 17.6 ounces in weight when they hatch. They are born with brown and white stripes that fade after three months. During this time, they will not be able to regulate their body temperature. Hence, their father takes care of them for nearly six months. The chicks stay with the father and their siblings for about one and a half years.

How long do Condor and Emu live?

Both species of Condors have a long lifespan. Andean Condors live up to 50 years in the wild. The oldest lived bird died at 80 years in January 2010 at the Beardsley Zoo in USA. California Condors have an average lifespan of 60 years. Of the living California Condors, the oldest is a male that hatched in April 1966.

The average age of Emus is 10-20 years in the wild. In captivity, they live up to 35 years. The oldest known lived Emu was 38 years old.

Are Condor or Emu migratory birds?

Andean Condors and California Condors are not typical migratory birds although they fly long distances. They do not travel in search of new habitats, instead travel nearly 125 miles a day looking for food.

Emus are nomadic birds. Their migratory pattern depends on their location in Australia. The birds from western parts relocate to south-west in winters and north-east in summers. However, the Emus in eastern parts of the country do not migrate long distances. They do not follow a standard migratory pattern. It is understood that food sources and weather are the chief factors that drive the migration of Emus. They either migrate in pairs or in flocks.

Do Condor and Emu fly in flocks?

A group of Condors is called a Condo. Andean Condors are mostly solitary. They live in small groups of three or four having both male and female birds. They may roost in colonies. Contrastingly, California Condors are more social. They spend time with their groups and also follow a social hierarchy. They eat together but following a pecking order.

A flock of Emus is known as a mob. These birds are solitary, shy, and curious. They may also fight amongst themselves. They live alone most of the time. The exception is when they pair up during the breeding season. Also, when they have to travel in quest for new food sources, they form large flocks.

Are Condor or Emu protected?

Both Condor species are protected by law in the USA. They are categorized under the Endangered Species Act, under which harming or killing them is punishable.

Emus are protected in Australia. Capturing Emus from the wild is illegal. However, they can be reared in farms with a licence. Emus are commercially bred in the country as trading of their meat, eggs, feathers, and oil is widespread.

Are Condor or Emu endangered?

Andean Condors are listed as threatened. They are extinct in Venezuela. Their population is under threat because of hunting by farmers to save their livestock and poisoning from pesticides. They also face danger from electrocution, eating trash, and exposure to pesticides. California Condors are listed as critically endangered. Only a few hundreds of them are remaining but their numbers are increasing due to captive breeding. These birds are being reinstated into the wild.

Emus exist in large populations in Australia. They are listed as species of least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Emus however face several threats. Birds like eagles and hawks attack Emu chicks, while snakes and other predators steal eggs from the nest. Migrating Emus often get killed in large numbers at dog fences of agricultural lands. Further, some of them also die in road accidents. Forest fires, drought, and loss of habitat due to urbanization and claiming of forest land for cropping are other threats that these birds confront.

Can Condor and Emu fly?

The Condor species fly by using thermals and flap their wings as infrequently as once an hour. Owing to their large size, they prefer to fly in windy regions. They can reach flying speeds of 55 miles an hour and soar at altitudes of 15,000 feet.

Emus are flightless birds. Their bone structure does not support flying. Further, they are too heavy to lift themselves for aviation. Emus are nevertheless great sprinters. Their powerful legs, calf muscles, and toes permit them to run as fast as 30 miles an hour. They flap their wings for balance while running. Emus travel long distances in search of food and for migration. They do this on foot, covering nearly 310 miles each time. On a daily basis, the birds commute about 15 miles.

Can Condor and Emu swim?

Condors are not built to swim. They are not water birds. They are huge and fly in search of food.

Emus are not regular swimmers. However, they can swim well if they have to with the help of their strong legs. They enjoy swimming and waters. They also like to bathe by rolling themselves in shallow waters and shaking up to remove water from their soaked feathers.

Mating patterns among Condor and Emu

Andean Condors reach sexual maturity when they turn five or six years. They have the longest breeding cycle among all birds in the world. They reproduce during alternate years. During courtship, the male’s neck changes color to bright yellow. He hisses and coos while dancing and hopping around the female with his wings partly spread out. The partners share a close bonding and raise the young ones jointly for a year. California Condors start mating when they are six to eight years old. They lay one egg every two years. Courtship will include the male performing displays, extending his wings, and dancing by moving his legs. The female also performs displays with her wings. The partners share the responsibility of incubating and tending to the young ones. The female California Condors are known to be able to reproduce asexually without mating.

Emus become sexually mature when they are 1.5 to two years old. During courtship, the male makes the first move by encircling the female with his dances and head movements. When the female accepts the proposal to mate, she strides around the male by making specific calls. The partners strut together, surround each other, dance together, tilt their heads bashfully, and flutter their feathers as part of mating. The female lays an egg per three to four days in the nest built by her partner. She generally lays 30-50 eggs each breeding season. The male incubates the eggs and takes care of the hatched chicks by feeding and protecting them.

When is the mating season for Condor and Emu ?

Andean Condors mate during February-June. In the case of California Condors, the mating season is from December to April.

Mating season for Emus occur during February-June although they start pairing in December and January.

Do Condor and Emu mate for life?

Both Condor species are monogamous and mate for life. They also live with their offspring for longer than most other birds.

Emus are monogamous socially as they live with their partners most times of the year. However, after mating with a male and laying eggs at his nest, the female mates with new partners and lays multiple clutches of eggs at different nesting sites. During this time, her original partner carries out his duties of incubating the eggs and raising his chicks. For this reason, Emu symbolizes fatherhood in the folklore and culture of Australia.

How do Condor and Emu sleep?

Andean Condors and California Condors roost in groups on elevated cliffs or tall trees to keep themselves safe from predators on the ground. They however sleep near their nests during the breeding season.

Emus retire for the day after sunset. They lay down on the ground to sleep. While the younger birds stretch their neck perpendicular to the body, the adults generally fold the neck, resting it on their back. The eyes remain closed when the birds are in slumber. While asleep, Emus also arrange their feathers in a such way that if it rains, the water flows down. The birds do not sleep uninterruptedly until sunrise. They wake up once in about two hours for defecating and feeding.

Can Condor and Emu be eaten?

Humans are not known to consume Condor meat. As these birds are scavengers, it is not healthy to eat them. Further, modern laws do not permit killing of Condors.

Emu meat is widely consumed and relished. It is considered to be rich in proteins, vitamin C, and iron. While it is illegal to capture Emus from the wild for their meat, rearing of the birds for meat and eggs is permitted.

Can you hunt Condor or Emu?

Reduction in the population of California Condors has chiefly been attributed to hunting by farmers who killed the birds to save their livestock. Farmers have also killed Andean Condors. Therefore, to save these species that are endangered, laws have been introduced prohibiting any kind of harming or killing.

The laws in Australia do not allow hunting of Emus in the wild. However, culling of the birds on private properties under a licence is permitted.

Can you feed Condor or Emu?

Condors are protected in captivity and at breeding centers to save them from extinction. Here, the birds are fed meat, rodents, chicken, and fish.

In captivity, such as breeding farms, Emus are fed with vegetables, insects, worms, and poultry feed.