Differences between Buzzard and Condor

Buzzard Buzzard
Condor Condor

Buzzard and Condor are two classes of birds that belong to the Accipitridae and Cathartidae families respectively.

Buzzards are birds of prey in the subfamily Buteoninae. They are characterized by large wings, rounded tails, short neck, and a sharp hooked beak. They have huge feet with sharp talons. The birds also have excellent vision that helps them to spot small prey from a distance. The plumage is deeper brown on the top and pale brown or white below.

Condor includes two species of New World Vultures, namely, the Andean Condor and the California Condor. They are one of the largest flying birds in the world. The Andean Condor is characterized by black feathers with white patches at the tip of wings. Its neck is covered with white fur, while the head is red and bald. The bird’s talons are straight and blunt and its beak is curved. The California Condor is generally black with white patches below the wings. The neck and head are yellowish orange without any feathers. These birds do not have talons and the backward toe for grasping. The beak is hooked and has an egg tooth.

Where are Buzzard and Condor found?

Buzzards live in diverse regions. They can be found in forests, plains, marshes, agricultural land, and cities. Buzzards can be found across the world except Antarctica. Some species are endemic to certain regions. For example, the Black-breasted Buzzard exists only in Australia. Furthermore, in the USA, Vultures are referred to as Buzzards.

Andean Condors are found in mountains, deserts, and coasts. They exist in Andes mountains and parts of western South America. On the other hand, California Condors live in rocky shrubs and coniferous forests. They can be found in southern parts of Californian deserts besides Mexico, Utah, and Arizona.

What do Buzzard and Condor eat?

Buzzards hunt for small insects, worms, rabbits, lizards, snakes, mice, and other birds. They sometimes also eat dead animals.

Andean Condors and California Condors are both carnivores and scavengers. They eat dead deer, sheep, pigs, cows, and other large mammals. On rare occasions they hunt small creatures like rodents, rabbits, and small reptiles.

Here are a few pointers about the eating patterns between Buzzard and Condor

  • Both Buzzard and Condor eat Fish.
  • Both Buzzard and Condor eat Frogs.
  • Both Buzzard and Condor eat Lizards.
  • Both Buzzard and Condor eat Snakes.
  • Both Buzzard and Condor eat Turtles.
  • Both Buzzard and Condor eat Squirrels.
  • Gophers are commonly eaten by Buzzard, but not by all Condor.
  • Baby Ducks are consumed by both Buzzardand Condor.
  • Mice are eaten by both Buzzard and Condor.

Size of Buzzard and Condor?

When it comes to size, Buzzards are generally 1.3-1.9 feet long. They have a wingspan of 3.6-4.5 feet. Upland Buzzard is one of the largest species. It is 1.8-2.3 feet long with a wingspan of 4.8 feet.. Andean Condors are one of the largest flying birds in the world with a height of nearly four feet and a wingspan of 10 feet. California Condors are nearly as large with a height of 3.5-4.5 feet and a wingspan of about 9.8 feet. They are the largest flying birds in North America.

The average weight of a Buzzard is 1.2-2.8 pounds. The Upland Buzzard weighs 3.08 pounds. while Condors are also huge in terms of weight. Andean Condors weigh 16.9-33 pounds. Meanwhile, the average weight of California Condors is 18-20 pounds.

Where do Buzzard and Condor nest?

Buzzards make large nests, about one meter in diameter and 60 centimeters in depth. They prefer an elevation of 10-80 feet above the ground. Both male and female partners build the nest on tall trees using twigs, leaves, sticks, branches, and other plant material. Sometimes Buzzards use an old nest by restoring it and adding soft material in the centre. The mother bird incubates the eggs that hatch in 38-39 days. The young ones fledge when they are 50-55 days old but stay with the parents for another eight weeks.

Andean Condors make their nests with sticks on safe rims of rocks or ledges of cliffs in higher elevation. Their eggs are bluish white with a weight of 9.9 ounces. Both partners take turns to incubate the eggs for 58-60 days. The chicks fledge at around six months but continue to be under the care of their parents for 10 months to two years. California Condors use mountain caves or tree cavities to lay eggs. They surround the eggs with gravel, sticks, or bones. The eggs are bluish green in color and weigh 10 ounces. Both male and female share duties of incubating and nesting the young ones. The eggs hatch after 53-60 days. The young ones fledge in about four months but remain with the parents for a year.

How long do Buzzard and Condor live?

The average lifespan of Buzzards is eight years. Infant mortality among the species is high due to starvation and human factors. The oldest Buzzard in the world is known to have lived for a little over 25 years.

Both species of Condors have a long lifespan. Andean Condors live up to 50 years in the wild. The oldest lived bird died at 80 years in January 2010 at the Beardsley Zoo in USA. California Condors have an average lifespan of 60 years. Of the living California Condors, the oldest is a male that hatched in April 1966.

Are Buzzard or Condor migratory birds?

Most Buzzards species are migratory. The ones living in Canada start migrating in September and travel as far as Venezuela. Buzzards from northern hemisphere and North America travel to Africa. The Steppe Buzzard is known for travelling the longest distance. It migrates from eastern Europe to Siberia during winters. The Himalayan Buzzard is another species that travels 1,000-2,000 miles.

Andean Condors and California Condors are not typical migratory birds although they fly long distances. They do not travel in search of new habitats, instead travel nearly 125 miles a day looking for food.

Do Buzzard and Condor fly in flocks?

A flock of Buzzards is known as wake. These birds are not very sociable but are territorial. They may form small groups of about 20. They prefer being alone or with their partners while hunting. They however flock in large numbers during migration. The Grasshopper Buzzard is a species that is more gregarious, living in larger groups of up to a 100.

A group of Condors is called a Condo. Andean Condors are mostly solitary. They live in small groups of three or four having both male and female birds. They may roost in colonies. Contrastingly, California Condors are more social. They spend time with their groups and also follow a social hierarchy. They eat together but following a pecking order.

Are Buzzard or Condor protected?

Buzzards are protected birds in the USA, where harming or killing them is against the law. In the UK, the birds are protected but one can get a license to kill them. Buzzards are also protected in other countries such as the Philippines, France, India, Japan, and Korea.

Both Condor species are protected by law in the USA. They are categorized under the Endangered Species Act, under which harming or killing them is punishable.

Are Buzzard or Condor endangered?

Buzzards are of least concern in terms of conservation. Their numbers are observed to be on a rise in England. Europe has the largest population of Buzzards. On an overall scale, the numbers of Buzzards are declining. This can be attributed to exposure to pesticides that not only poison the birds, but also affect their reproductive abilities. Besides, they are also victims to illegal shooting.

Andean Condors are listed as threatened. They are extinct in Venezuela. Their population is under threat because of hunting by farmers to save their livestock and poisoning from pesticides. They also face danger from electrocution, eating trash, and exposure to pesticides. California Condors are listed as critically endangered. Only a few hundreds of them are remaining but their numbers are increasing due to captive breeding. These birds are being reinstated into the wild.

Can Buzzard and Condor fly?

Buzzards have wide wings that help them soar high. However, the wings are rather weak. The birds do not flap their wings too much. The birds are mostly sedentary and do not move around much regularly. They fly in high altitudes by using thermals and obstruction wind currents. Buzzards can fly at a speed of 28-30 miles per hour.

The Condor species fly by using thermals and flap their wings as infrequently as once an hour. Owing to their large size, they prefer to fly in windy regions. They can reach flying speeds of 55 miles an hour and soar at altitudes of 15,000 feet.

Can Buzzard and Condor swim?

Buzzards are not water birds. They do not have the body structure or webbed feet to swim. They however go near waters for bathing and drinking.

Condors are not built to swim. They are not water birds. They are huge and fly in search of food.

Mating patterns among Buzzard and Condor

Buzzards attain sexual maturity at the age of three. At the onset of the breeding season, the male and female pair follow each other, flying high in circles, and spiral downward with their wings raised high. The male also performs aerial dances and beats his flaps dramatically to impress the female. The female lays two to four eggs and incubates them for about 35 days. The eggs hatch in intervals of two days. She also broods the young ones for about two weeks, during which time the male fetches her the food. Thereafter, both partners engage in feeding the young ones.

Andean Condors reach sexual maturity when they turn five or six years. They have the longest breeding cycle among all birds in the world. They reproduce during alternate years. During courtship, the male’s neck changes color to bright yellow. He hisses and coos while dancing and hopping around the female with his wings partly spread out. The partners share a close bonding and raise the young ones jointly for a year. California Condors start mating when they are six to eight years old. They lay one egg every two years. Courtship will include the male performing displays, extending his wings, and dancing by moving his legs. The female also performs displays with her wings. The partners share the responsibility of incubating and tending to the young ones. The female California Condors are known to be able to reproduce asexually without mating.

When is the mating season for Buzzard and Condor ?

Buzzards mate during March-May. While courtship and display commence in early March, fledging takes place in July.

Andean Condors mate during February-June. In the case of California Condors, the mating season is from December to April.

Do Buzzard and Condor mate for life?

Buzzards are monogamous. They mate for life. They are also protective about their territory, defending it throughout the year.

Both Condor species are monogamous and mate for life. They also live with their offspring for longer than most other birds.

How do Buzzard and Condor sleep?

Buzzards roost in colonies on top of trees where they feel safe. They gather each night in the same place for all the years.

Andean Condors and California Condors roost in groups on elevated cliffs or tall trees to keep themselves safe from predators on the ground. They however sleep near their nests during the breeding season.

Can Buzzard and Condor be eaten?

Some cultures in Africa eat the meat of Buzzards. However, it is not advisable to eat these birds as they contain decomposing bacteria and diseases in them, making them unhealthy for consumption.

Humans are not known to consume Condor meat. As these birds are scavengers, it is not healthy to eat them. Further, modern laws do not permit killing of Condors.

Can you hunt Buzzard or Condor?

Buzzards are not hunted for their meat. They are sometimes killed for harming livestock and poultry, or for sport. Many countries prohibit such killings, although in some countries like the UK license can be obtained to shoot these birds.

Reduction in the population of California Condors has chiefly been attributed to hunting by farmers who killed the birds to save their livestock. Farmers have also killed Andean Condors. Therefore, to save these species that are endangered, laws have been introduced prohibiting any kind of harming or killing.

Can you feed Buzzard or Condor?

In captivity, Buzzards are fed meat, chicken, rodents, and fish. It is not legal or encouraged to feed wild birds in public in most nations.

Condors are protected in captivity and at breeding centers to save them from extinction. Here, the birds are fed meat, rodents, chicken, and fish.